Tuesday, January 03, 2006

New year's presents=Otoshidama(お年玉) and Onenga(お年賀)

On new year's day, children receive "Otoshidama"(some money) from adults. You put "Otoshidama" in a small envelope called "Pochibukuro". This is the "pochibukuro" I used for my cousin.

Adults give presents to each other. This is called "Onenga". Especially in companies, people give "Onenga" to their bosses or clients.

New year's food=Osechi(おせち料理)

In new year's day, we eat various "Osechi" food served in "Jyubako"(the black laquer box).

Kuri-kinton(sweet maron) , the yellow one in the "Jyubako" is one of my favorites.
Raw tuna on the left was delicious as well...!!

Another box of "Jyubako" has pink and white "Kamaboko"( steamed fish paste), yellow "Datemaki"(egg) and black "Kobumaki" (fish wrapped with seaweed).

On the right you see Mexican Taco-sald which you don't see in ordinary Japanese new year :P

This is "Nishime"(boiled vegetables). It's really good!

Left "Jyubako" has "Kohada"(sour fish), red shrimps and boiled fish.

To the left you see "Shimesaba" (chub mackerel)-which my brother made!

Fish on the right is "Tai" (porgy).
Japanese people loves porgy because the word "Medetai" (joyous event) includes the word "Tai".

Sunday, January 01, 2006


Happy new year!

I have decided to delete all the posts I had till now on this blog and start a new one.
This blog will be focused on introducing my life in Japan and Japanese culture.

I will start with Japanese New Year.
I will link as much as I can to Wikipedia as it may be a better resource for a comprehensive understanding of things, and focus my posts on my life, pictures and views.

Also, this blog was formerly written in Japanese, but switched to English today, for me to practice writing in English. Please let me know if I make mistakes :)

I hope you enjoy!